
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Sustainability - Hurumanu 1

For Hururmanu 1, we are looking at sustainability. our task was to match the words with the correct meaning and highlight them with the colours below.  

Green - Improving environmental sustainability. 
Orange - Balanced no better no worse. 
Red - Getting worse. 

Here was the finished activity - 

Samoan Language Week - Art

Taranaki Coast Print on Canvas by Diana Adams: New Zealand Fine Prints
In class, we were researching about Samoan Language week and some of the Key areas around Samoa. Something I chose to research about Samoan art, and the meanings behind them. 

Something that interested me about this topic is their art always has a meaning behind is. Something I saw something in many bits of art is Pasifika art was commonly used. 

 Traditional art represents traditional values and traditional habits, which shape the identity of each individual living in Western Samoa and therefore play an important role in the artwork people create.

The art between New Zealand is that Samon art has more patterns in It and New Zealand has is more outdoors with nature. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

5 Strengths

During form time we have been figuring out what strengths we have, for this activity, we had to create a poster about our 5 strengths. for my 5 strengths I picked Bravery, Creativity, Honesty,  Humour, and Zest.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Wooden Art - 3D Name

During the lockdown period, we had some long wood leftover from doing up our backyard bark area. We wanted to do something with it so it was out of the way, so I created a wooden 3D name board. This took me 4 days to Draw, Cut, File, Sand, and polish the wood.

The equipment I used was:

  • File
  • Sander 
  • Clamp 
  • Drill
  • Woodcutter/band saw 
This was my end result - 

I'm currently in the progress of creating one of our class and also creating letters for my brother's birthday!