
Monday, February 18, 2019

Music ~ Modules

Movie Making Update

During our lessons with Mrs Hastie, Whaea Raewyn and Mr Cane, we have been learning how to create movies. Our first lesson was making one minute movies that we weren't aloud to talk in, it was really hard not to laugh or talk. Our next lesson was about making a movie that was at least five minutes that was either made up or a fairy - tale, me and my group are doing the tree little pigs. 

What we have learn't during these lessons:

  • Movie Angles 
  • Music that goes into the movies
Our next steps will be putting our movies into action. BYE!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

First Lesson of P.E

P.E Lesson 

Today's lesson was to practice our throwing and catching. We played two games today which were Bench ball and Silly banana's. Today I wasn't able to participate in this lesson because I was injured. While playing these games you have to have very good communication with your team. 

Bench Ball Rules: 
You have two teams playing against each other, the way you win the game is you have to throw the ball to your team and get your whole team onto the bench, when you have the ball your not aloud to move.  

Silly Banana Rules: 
It's a bit like tag, you have run around and make sure you don't get tagged by the person who's in if you get tagged you have to go into a shape of a banana standing up, then someone who's not in high fives your hands and then u can move around again.

Next time I will I will be able to try and get involved with the games and ask questions with the team.

One of our goals were to be a good listener:

  • Showing the instructions told
  • Stop, look and listen
  • Ignore the people talking to you. 
  • Calling out names when your playing a game
  • Using your manners
  • Team Work 
  • Using each others name 
What skills do I need to work on for my next lesson:
  • Being more involved and having a can do attitude! 
I'm going to show commitment by:
  • Being positive and having a better mindset and having a go
  • Listening to the rules so I know what I'm doing
  • Join in even knowing I don't like my team