
Friday, August 30, 2019


Drama Games 
On our first lesson of drama we played a couple of games to get our brains working before out next lesson. The games we played were: 

  • 2 truths 1 lie 
  • Misty Vista 
  • Tequila 
  • Copy Circle
  • Statues
Our goal for this lesson was listening,respect personal space, follow direction.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Water Cycle (science)

Climate Change - Water Cycle 

Today In science we talked about the Water Cycle and how it all combines into climate change. 

Task: We got given a sheet of yellow paper, and a sheet of white paper which had hexagons on it, inside those hexagons were scientific words that we had to connect to each but had a reason to be connected. Then we glued them onto the sheet of yellow paper. 


Words on the paper:
  • Climate Change is connected to Hurricanes/Carbon Dioxide/Water Cycle/Acid Rain.
  • Water Cycle is connected to Acid Rain/Evaporation/Precipitation/Condensation/ Transpiration/Water Vapour. 
  • Acid Rain is connected to Climate Change/Hurricanes/Carbon Dioxide/Water Cycle - Evaporation/transpiration/Water Vapour/Condensation/Precipitation.   
  • Hurricanes is connected to Climate Change/Carbon Dioxide/Water Cycle - Evaporation/transpiration/Water Vapour/Condensation/Precipitation.   
  • Carbon Dioxide  is connected to Climate Change/Water Cycle - Evaporation/transpiration/Water Vapour/Condensation/Precipitation.   
  • Evaporation is connected to Water Cycle - Transpiration/Water Vapour/Condensation/Precipitation.   
  • Condensation is connected to Water Cycle - Evaporation/transpiration/Water Vapour/Precipitation.   
  • Precipitation is connected to Water Cycle - Evaporation/transpiration/Water Vapour/Condensation.   
  • Transpiration is connected to Water Cycle - Evaporation/Water Vapour/Condensation/Precipitation.   
  •  Water Vapour is connected to Water Cycle - Evaporation/transpiration/Condensation/Precipitation.   
Evaporation: When water is heated by radiant energy it turns into water vapour. 
Transpiration: Evaporation from plants.
Condensation: When water vapour cools, molecules join together and form clouds. 
Precipitation: When clouds get heavy the water falls as rain, sleet, hail or snow. 
Acidification: The action or process of making or becoming acid. 


Multiplying Fractions 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

C.I.P Review

Last week in C.I.P we chose to either work in the outdoor classroom or remove tyres, tarpaulin and weeds out of the garden. I choose to do the gardening, firstly we removed the tyres and put them around the back in a big pile. Once we had removed all tyres we then had to pile all the dirt and soil that was inside them and put them to the side. Underneath all of this dirt/soil there were tarpaulins, we had to get rid everything on top of them so we could pull the tarpaulins and throw them out.

There was a group of people working with Mark (teacher Aid) pruning trees. Basically they were just cutting old branches off the trees. Also another group was working with Miss Allan, who were starting to create the outdoor classroom.




This week during C.I.P I had the job of cutting Ivy off the trees, this took a while as the ivy had grown to the top of the trees. Brianna, Mikayla and I worked together and removed the ivy off 3 trees. 

While we were doing that the rest of the group were either helping Mrs Allan Fletcher in the outdoor classroom or helping Mr Tisch in the garden planting new seeds and digging up the rest of the soil. 

We did 3 hours of gardening and then my class went over to Kiwi Kaha for 30 minutes, we were learning about Distractions. Normally in the 30 minutes we play 2 games and we have a chat about our topic for the day. The first game we played was table clap and the second one didn't have a name, but we were given a word search to try and finish while our teacher and Kiwi Kaha leader were really distracting us. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Laughter Is The BEST Medicine

In our first lesson in drama this week, we are talking/learning about how laughing make's you happy. There are many reasons why laughing makes you happy let me give you some!

  1. It pumps blood around your heart.
  2. It decreases the stress hormones.
  3. Burn calories. 
  4. Natural triggers in your body.  
Here are a few examples: 

This video has a lot of humour to it, facial 
expressions & body language make the comedy 

This video has a whole lot of different clips
that are funny, (involves: people, animals ect...)

This video is funny because of the change in the 
charter when the faces switch.

Monday, August 26, 2019


Self  Intro (Japanese)

In Japanese we have been creating our own self intro's in Japanese to share with you. 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Maths DLO

Rounding Numbers 

Friday, August 2, 2019

P.E Review

This week in our P.E Hurumanu we have been doing 100 pts challenge (warm up) act 1: Floor hockey act 2: 6 corner soccer. We have been working in the old gym. We have been working on our involvement within a team.

Our first activity was Floor Hockey For this activity I rated my self as a 4.

To achieve at level 4 we have to show that we can consistently work together as a team, not putting anyone down, communicate in a positive way.

During the first game of FLoor Hockey I showed that I am working at level 4 by cheering my team on whenever the other team scored, using positive words to my team, and also making sure that our team was playing fair. These examples show that I have meet the standard for level 4.

Our second activity was 6 corner soccer. For this activity I rated my self as a 4.

To achieve at level 4 we have to show that we can consistently work together as a team, not putting anyone down, communicate in a positive way.

During the first game of 6 corner soccer I showed that I am working at level 4 by staying positive when another team scored on our side, I also made sure that our team was playing fairly and if something was unfair or wasn't right I corrected them. These examples show that I have meet the standard for level 4

Next week I am aiming to work at level 4 and above. To make sure that I am working that level I am going to work on keep doing what I'm doing but try harder to make a difference in out group/team.