
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Inside Out - Workshop 3

How does 'lighting & color' enhance the story 
Vocab - 
 atmosphere - Feel in space, the energy around you 
 Mood - how you feel 
 Location - place something is happening 

 Lighting - 
  Natural - Light that comes from nature - sun, moon, stars, lightning & fire. 
  Artificial - Man-made light source - Light bulbs, electricity. 

  Warm Light - Yellow/Orange tone. 
  Cold light - Blue/White, clean and clinical 

  Bright - Fills the space so not many shadows. 
  Dull - Fills half the space, makes things feel faded or muted. 

 Colour - Colour Palette - What are the predominant colors used. 
  Warm Colour - Warm welcoming friendly colors
  Cold Colour - Depressed, sad, isolated chilly, lonely. (Links with clean and clinical) 

 Brainstorm: Lighting/Colour 
 What's happening - Coraline and her real parents are having breakfast in the real kitchen. 
  - Looks rushed, tired 
 OS - Coraline's other parents eating dinner in the other kitchen. 
  - Everyone seems happy.

 Describe - Lighting - Natural light coming through the window, 
  - Cold lighting - White tone, 
  - Bright - wide space brightens. 
OS - Artificial ceiling light. 
  - Warm lighting, yellow/orange tone. 
  - Dull doesn't fill up full space. 
 Colors - White, yellowish, cream, dirty white. 
  - Cold - Makes space feel tired. 
 OS - Red, Orange, white, black. 
  - Warm colors. 
  - Happy, safe, welcoming. 

 Viewer - (Feel or think) - Boring, Dull, Sad. 
  - Not so much a happy family. 
  - Coraline is unhappy. 
 OS - Compacted, interesting, welcoming. 
  - Coraline is happy to be there. 

 Directors Purpose - Makes another world more appealing 
  - Coraline doesn't like the real world. 
 OS - Shows that 'looks can be deceiving' because their family looks happy and but they aren't' actually, who they say they are. 

 Other Techniques - Camera angles 
  - Music 
  - Costumes / Make up 
  - Background / Setting

 Setting - Furniture looks old. 
  - Looks like no one lives there. 
  - Empty and old. 
 OS Costumes - Looks comfy, formal, and fashionable. 
  - Tight fit, better looking. 

 In the kitchen of the real world, lighting and color are used effectictivly and shows that looks can be deceiving. 

 Lighting and color are used effectively in both worlds in the movie Coraline. We see this when the lighting and color changed when showing differents shots of the real world and the other world. This makes us understand why Coraline likes the other wold rather than the real world, and how overpowered the other mother is. The purpose of this was to hook Coraline into the world she has always wanted, and make her choose between the real world and the other world. This worked well with the purpose of trying to convince Coraline to stay in the other world. This can be juxtaposed to the real world tired boring and unwelcoming and the other world happy, welcoming, and safe, they have completely different lighting and color aspects which make the places feel very different. 

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