
Friday, July 31, 2020

Hannah Hoch

In art, we have been studying an artist called Hannah Hoch, our task was to create a poster to show information about Hannah Hoch. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Music Lesson 1


Why did you choose music? I chose music to be able to learn to play an instrument, the instrument I would like to learn to play either the guitar or piano. 

What would you like to learn in music? I would like to learn how to play the guitar or piano. 

Do you play an instrument? No, I don’t. 

Who is your favorite singer/band? I don’t have a favorite singer or band. 

5 of your favorite songs? (I listen to all I don't have favorites)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Workshop 5 - Creating the illusion of the Other Mother

Other Mother
> Physical - Soft/round edges
                  - Looks like the real mother 
                  - Normal Height 
> Costume - Basic - no patterns 
                   - Baggy loose clothing 
                   -  Clothing mostly covers her 
> Colour and Lighting - Warm, artificial light, dull
                                       - Colour pallet - Orange 

Other Mother 2 
 > Physical - Sharpy edges - head, nose, apron 
> Costume - Dark, loose and baggy
                   -  Still covering 
> Colour and Lighting - Warm artificial. 
                                       - Colour pallet - Orange/Yellow 

Other Mother 3 
 > Physical - Paller skin 
                   - Weight went to her bottom and hips - accents battle shape 
                   - Pointy nose, skinner, back heap gotten pointy, elbows are sharper. 
> Costume - Patterns appear 
                   - Black, white and red alternation dress code 
                   - Fits her better, no so much baggy 
                   - Bettle shell appears 
                   - More skin showing - Neck, arms, bottom of legs 
> Colour and Lighting - Bright, vibrate, cold, afticial 
                                       - Colour pallet - Peach/brown 

Other Mother 4 
 > Physical - Stick figure - lost all the fat 
                   - Taller, long neck - hair, arms, elbows, back of head 
                   - BAck of dress sharp
> Costume - Pattern - black white & red 
                   - Showing more skin 
                   - A lot tighter 
                   - Bettle shape on the back
> Colour and Lighting - Bright, warm, afticial, orange coour pallet. 

Other Mother 5 
 > Physical - Ugly, spider-like, needle, no flat, no skin 
                   - Lots of sharp angles 
> Costume - Tatted rag, no fabric left, there to cover what needs to be covered 
> Colour and Lighting - Neon green, and black colour pallet 
                                       - Cold lighting
                                       - Unnatural


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Workshop 4 - How does music enhance the stroy?

Keywords >
 Diegetic sound - Sounds added to a scene, Eg: music 
 Non - diegetic sound - sounds that happen naturally in a scene Eg: Footsteps, wind blowing leaves.  

Chords > Major > Written in a major key, have a happy and uplifting tone. 
                 Minor > Written in a minor key, a sad, gloomy. 

Tempo > Fast > Cold walk quickly too, make the music feel energetic, gives movement/pace.
                Moderate > Mix of the two, somewhere in between. 
                Slow > Dragging feet, makes the music feel lethargic, boring, energy lacking sleepy. 

Dynamics > Volume > Loud (farte) - Gets viewer attention, enhances emotion/mood. 
               Quiet (Piano)  - Takes energy away from a moment, taking the background music to the viewer's attention. 
                  Changing > Quiet - Loud / builds intesnly. 
                                   > Loud - Qiuet / draws focus. 

Song 1 - Happy, energetic, joyful.  (Major)
Song 2 - Slow, Beatless, sad, depressing, (Minor) 

Opening Scene > Minor Tone - has a sad vibe, feels creepy, unsettling. 
                             Moderate tempo - feel on edge, walking pace gives energy. 
                             Changing > Quiet - Loud, Grabs the viewer's attention. 

Circus scene > Minor > is a very upbeat and energetic but minor tone makes it feel off and uncomfortable. 
                          Fast tempo - Very energetic, makes us wanna move, makes the virus feel fun and invented. 
                          Loud - Makes viewers feel hyped up, energetic, invited to join in. 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Workshop 2 - Inside Out

Linking themes to the impact of Angles, Movement, and Shots. 
What's happening - Wybie standing on stairs outside the house. O. Mother asks him to smile from the doorway, instead, he frowns. 
 - O. Wybie making himself smaller, less of a target, head down, shoulders hunched. Looks week and vulnerable 

Angles/Shot - High angle - Makes Wybie look overpowered, weak and vulnerable 
 - POV - Other mothers make her seem stronger, bigger, more dominant. 

Viewer - makes the viewer feel sorry for / scared for O. Wybie. 
Directer - Hinting at what is it to come. 
              - Hinting that maybe the O. Mother isn't so wonderful. 

Other Techniques - 
 Lighting - Spotlight on Wybie - like he's on the spot / under forces. 
    - Dark around creates a creepy atmosphere. 

In the scene with the O. mother and the O. Wybie, we see high angle shots used to show the theme of 'looks can be deceiving'. We see this when the O. mother asks O. Wybie to smile but he hunches over and frowns instead. This makes the audience feel sorry for the O. Wybie because he looks scared. The use of this high angle shot from the perspective of the O. mother adds to this feeling as it makes the O. mother look weak and vulnerable. The director did this to foreshadow the change. 

Dissection - Inside Out

Pigs Heart Dissection 
Yesterday in Biology, we have been learning about the parts of a human body and how each part works. This week we were learning how the blood flows through the body and how the heart contributes to this. Our task was to cut open a pigs heart and find the different things inside the heart that pump the blood through the body. 

The heart is one of the most important parts of your body, the reason being is that it pumps the blood right through the body so that each part of your body works. 

There are many parts to the heart, here is what they are and what they mean: 

 Atrium - Upper chamber of the heart that receives blood. 
Ventricle - Bottom v-shaped of heart, sends blood away. 
Aorta - Takes blood away from the heart to rest the body. 
Vena Cava - A large vain carrying deoxygenated blood into the heart from the body. 

Inside Out - Workshop 3

How does 'lighting & color' enhance the story 
Vocab - 
 atmosphere - Feel in space, the energy around you 
 Mood - how you feel 
 Location - place something is happening 

 Lighting - 
  Natural - Light that comes from nature - sun, moon, stars, lightning & fire. 
  Artificial - Man-made light source - Light bulbs, electricity. 

  Warm Light - Yellow/Orange tone. 
  Cold light - Blue/White, clean and clinical 

  Bright - Fills the space so not many shadows. 
  Dull - Fills half the space, makes things feel faded or muted. 

 Colour - Colour Palette - What are the predominant colors used. 
  Warm Colour - Warm welcoming friendly colors
  Cold Colour - Depressed, sad, isolated chilly, lonely. (Links with clean and clinical) 

 Brainstorm: Lighting/Colour 
 What's happening - Coraline and her real parents are having breakfast in the real kitchen. 
  - Looks rushed, tired 
 OS - Coraline's other parents eating dinner in the other kitchen. 
  - Everyone seems happy.

 Describe - Lighting - Natural light coming through the window, 
  - Cold lighting - White tone, 
  - Bright - wide space brightens. 
OS - Artificial ceiling light. 
  - Warm lighting, yellow/orange tone. 
  - Dull doesn't fill up full space. 
 Colors - White, yellowish, cream, dirty white. 
  - Cold - Makes space feel tired. 
 OS - Red, Orange, white, black. 
  - Warm colors. 
  - Happy, safe, welcoming. 

 Viewer - (Feel or think) - Boring, Dull, Sad. 
  - Not so much a happy family. 
  - Coraline is unhappy. 
 OS - Compacted, interesting, welcoming. 
  - Coraline is happy to be there. 

 Directors Purpose - Makes another world more appealing 
  - Coraline doesn't like the real world. 
 OS - Shows that 'looks can be deceiving' because their family looks happy and but they aren't' actually, who they say they are. 

 Other Techniques - Camera angles 
  - Music 
  - Costumes / Make up 
  - Background / Setting

 Setting - Furniture looks old. 
  - Looks like no one lives there. 
  - Empty and old. 
 OS Costumes - Looks comfy, formal, and fashionable. 
  - Tight fit, better looking. 

 In the kitchen of the real world, lighting and color are used effectictivly and shows that looks can be deceiving. 

 Lighting and color are used effectively in both worlds in the movie Coraline. We see this when the lighting and color changed when showing differents shots of the real world and the other world. This makes us understand why Coraline likes the other wold rather than the real world, and how overpowered the other mother is. The purpose of this was to hook Coraline into the world she has always wanted, and make her choose between the real world and the other world. This worked well with the purpose of trying to convince Coraline to stay in the other world. This can be juxtaposed to the real world tired boring and unwelcoming and the other world happy, welcoming, and safe, they have completely different lighting and color aspects which make the places feel very different.