This week in our P.E Hurumanu we have been doing 100 pts challenge (warm up) act 1: Floor hockey act 2: 6 corner soccer. We have been working in the old gym. We have been working on our involvement within a team.
Our first activity was Floor Hockey For this activity I rated my self as a 4.
To achieve at level 4 we have to show that we can consistently work together as a team, not putting anyone down, communicate in a positive way.
During the first game of FLoor Hockey I showed that I am working at level 4 by cheering my team on whenever the other team scored, using positive words to my team, and also making sure that our team was playing fair. These examples show that I have meet the standard for level 4.
Our second activity was 6 corner soccer. For this activity I rated my self as a 4.
To achieve at level 4 we have to show that we can consistently work together as a team, not putting anyone down, communicate in a positive way.
During the first game of 6 corner soccer I showed that I am working at level 4 by staying positive when another team scored on our side, I also made sure that our team was playing fairly and if something was unfair or wasn't right I corrected them. These examples show that I have meet the standard for level 4
Next week I am aiming to work at level 4 and above. To make sure that I am working that level I am going to work on keep doing what I'm doing but try harder to make a difference in out group/team.