One on One
![]() | Week 7 Writing Task
1. Using your best Inference skills, make up a "back story" for this picture opposite, and write about it (this must be at least 3 paragraphs long).
2. What would be a good title for this picture?
3. Tell me whether you like this picture or not, and explain why you feel this way (this explanation must be at least 3 sentences long)
My writing:
Sitting in Maths class and notes were being handed out by the teacher, she demanded we put them in our bags straight away. The bell was going to ring any second I grabbed my bag from under my desk and looked Charlotte and her girls in the eye. The bell rung and everyone rushed out to the tennis courts, it was the day…
Everyone surrounded me and Charlotte we were in a closed circle. I threw first punch but didn't get anything out of her it was turn for turn and she got the most out of me there was no bruise or mark on her… But me I was a mess I had a black eye and blood dripping from my head, shoe laces undone and my socks were down below my knee. The principal walked in to the tennis courts with a hi-viz as he was on duty that morning. He shouted “my office now Merry-Anne!” I grab my bag and barged through all these people I got to the main office and Carolyn the office ladie asked “what are you doing in here it’s class time” I ignored her with a huge smile on my face.
I got the the principal's office and I sit on the uncombable red chairs outside Mr Main’s office. I wait and wait. Mr Main has just walked into the office and Carolyn disturbed him quickly “you have someone waiting for you down by your office sir” he replied in a grumpy matter “Yes thanks Carolyn I sent her that way”. He has now arrived at his office and I said “took you long enough” Mr Main shrugged his shoulders, ‘young lady what on earth do you think you are doing? I am going to have to call your parents in for a meeting, I responded like I didn’t care “sure go ahead” Mr Main never liked the way Merry-Anne always had a smile on her face even knowing she was in really big trouble!
Mr Main stood up out of his black office chair and forced Merry-Anne out the door and told her to sit on the red chairs. Merry-Anne sat down and grinned at the door. Mr Main was in his office trying to get a hold of Merry-Ann's parents, both of her parents were at work. Mrs Cook answered the phone, “hello Mr Main is everything okay” Mr Main didn’t know what to say “Hi uhhh I need you to come down to the school please there has been some conflict with some girls at school and it’s serious” Mrs Cook was really shocked “sure I’ll be there right away”
It’s been 30 minutes and mum has just walked through the office doors she walks down the hall to make her way to Mr Main’s office she looks at Merry-Anne and drops on one knee “are you okay Merry-Anne what happened to you?” Mr Main heard Mrs Cooks voice so he walks to the door “Mrs Cook please come with me we need to sort this situation out” Mrs Cook was devastated. She followed Mr Main into his office. “Mrs Cook, Merry-Anne has been in a fight with some girls in this school Merry-Anne has started this and she needs to be punished for it” Mrs Cooks looks out the door and stares at Merry-Anne with a horrible stare. “So what the punishment” Mrs Cook asked “she is going to be suspended for 1 week we do not tolerate this behavior here at Burnside Girls” Mrs Cook was still shocked she walked out and yelled “young lady to the car now!”
If I had a chance to change the name of this, I would change it to: One on One.
I actually liked this picture to write this story. It was really interesting to write because it could of been a different situation if someone different wrote it.